Unit 12 MySQL Homework: Employee Tracker
This application is a backend solution for managing a company’s employees using node.js
, inquirer
, and MySQL
. The interface functions as a Content Management System for non-developers to easily view and interact with information stored in the database from the terminal.
README on GitHub Pages.
Walk through video demonstrating application functionality:
As a business owner
I want to be able to view and manage the departments, roles, and employees in my company
So that I can organize and plan my business
Example database schema containing three tables:
Open terminal
window after fork.
npm init -y
to create a package.son file to store your dependenices.
npm i
to install your NPM package manager and required dependencies.
npm i inquirer
to interact with the user via the command-line.
npm i figlet
to implement FIGfont spec in Javascript.
npm i chalk
for terminal string styling of Logo.
npm i console.table
to print MySQL rows to the console.
npm i dotenv
to store environmental variables.
npm i mysql2
to connect to your MySQL database and perform queries.
run command mysql -u -root -p
to initilize MySQL, then type username
and password
to login:
Test User
username: root
password: test123
database: employeeTracker_db
Welcome to the MySQL monitor
type mysql> status
to confirm connection with database.
run command node employeeTracker
, or npm start
to answer the prompts.
run command npm start
select an option from the menu prompt
follow the prompts for each selection.
menu options are unfinished Bonus
Select Exit Menu
to quit.
Ryan Evans Repository
Email: rdevans87@gmail.com